In the past several decades, the food industry has undergone rapid changes with important consequences for Americans. What are the environmental, economic and health consequences of these changes?
America’s food industry plays a big role in the obesity epidemic. It is an ongoing cycle that will continue until something major is done about it. Food has become a drug. Nobody chooses to be fat, it just happens. That is due to the fact that the poor and the poverty have limited food choices.
Unhealthy food choices.
Too many fries, not enough greens.
Sugar, salt, fat. It’s all addicting.
The U.S. as a whole is not educated on the dangers of the food we eat daily. We are storing fat and not storing knowledge. The depression, the addictions, all come down to what we put in our bodies.
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has found that the average American consumes 20% more calories in the 2000s more than consumed in the 1980s. Also, consumption of added fats also up two thirds around the same period and it still continues to grow.
America keeps getting fat, and lazy and addicted to food.
Bad food.
Organic food would be great, but expensive simply because it takes more time to grow crops that refrain from chemicals. No chemicals require more workers.
America is lazy. Meat, dairy, wheat, fat and sugar are easy to produce, very addictive and easier access to and also much cheaper.
College isn’t making dieting better either. Having access to an unlimited amount of food in the dining commons, hence the freshman 15. Students get use to this and it sets them up for bad eating habits and health failure in the future.
A United Nations report has concluded that lesser consumption of animal products is necessary to save the world from the climate change. Another sad fact is that meat and dairy products requires 70% of freshwater and it also takes up 19% of greenhouse emission. Corn is a large part of the American diet. Humans weren’t made to consume corn. Corn is being fed to our animals for faster growth. It goes into the fatty acids of the animals thus making them bigger. Corn fed to animals associates to e coli. E coli is an intestinal infection that includes diarrhea, kidney failure and anemia.
It is very rare that I see a commercial about healthy eating.
Unhealthy advertisements seem to be the only food commercials on television in regards to food. We have been brainwashed into thinking that stuff is good for us to buy.
With it being cheaper and McDonalds being on an immense amount of corners in America it just doesn’t get easier. We get to many deals on crappy foods.
The problem with being able to only “afford” fast food or living near quick processed food grocery stores is that it will only continue to harm us. It will harm the next generation to come more so with low-income families who don’t have time to prepare a healthy meal.
Black and Hispanics have suffered the most. They all tend to be around an area where they cannot strive health wise simply because of what is around them or what they are use to eating. They also lack education on health.
The system doesn’t care about the health advancements of people but more so about how much money they are making.
The food industry is advancing. We are what we eat. What goes into our food is affecting day-to-day activities. It affects out ability to move, to be healthier. It is making us sick. Food is medicine, not the drug store who makes money of unneeded prescriptions. No statistics are needed to prove that America as a whole is overweight. It is an ongoing challenge. It all comes down to diet.
Before anyone can advance in this world, the most important thing someone can do is to be healthy.