AIC Women’s Organization on the rise

Denisha Walker, Staff Writer

AIC’s Women’s Organization is a club on the go, promoting the empowerment of women that live and work in the area.
This organization has been around for many years. People wait for this club’s events all year long. Their annual “Beauty on a Budget” has been something that the female students look forward to every year.

Meetings are held in the Campus Center Auditorium on the first Tuesday of each month.

Events consist of the e-board members, coming together and giving females tips on how to be beautiful on a budget. There are discussions about drug store make up tips, ideas on how to make your own facials to cleanse the skin, and the personal favorite is the makeover bars.

Each e-board member picks a beauty skill that they can do very well and perform these skills on the attendees of the event.
Currently, the e-board consist of President Jalah Oates, Vice President Denisha Walker, Secretary Anushka Solomon, Events

Coordinator Nyishyari Marrero, and lastly the Treasurer Shaneisha Jones.

Marrero will be shaping females’ eyebrows and cleaning up unnecessary hairs. Oates will be following Marrero by filling in the eyebrows after they are properly cleaned. Walker is going to focus on skin and giving all-natural product facials. After the facials, she will also have false lashes and place them on desired participants. Jones and Solomon will assist each other and paint the ladies’ nails.

Besides the makeovers, there will be giveaways, games, and talks. The talks will be composed of positive encouragement of natural beauty, and the importance of feeling beautiful. Some people state that a person should not only feel pretty when they have makeup on. Club members believes that women should do whatever they feel makes them feel beautiful. If wearing, make up every day is something that makes them happy then so be it. If they take care of their skin after the makeup is off, then there’s no problem.

Besides Beauty on a Budget, the club has many other fun events that gather large crowds. They have frequent talks about women’s issues, and they also invite men to these social gatherings. By inviting men, the women can see another view of situations while the men gain knowledge of a woman’s life.

For example, there are many frequent topics that are always asked is “why do men cheat” or “what do you think of a woman who has sex on the first date.” These conversations always start well and pick up quickly with all the different views on these topics.

Lastly, the organization started a new event this school year every first Tuesday of the month called “Talk her up Tuesday.” The members of this organization meet inside the lobby of the campus center auditorium, dressed in business casual clothing. They compliment every female that walks past, whether they are a teacher, student or a staff member. This event really empowers the women who walk, giving them the confidence they might not have had that day or just simply making women feel good.

Both males and females are welcome to attend an event that the Women’s Organization hosts. The e-board members are welcoming and extra friendly. They strive to inform people on women’s issues, empowering women and embracing their self-worth.

Come and check out an event by this group – especially if you would like a bombardment of compliments go to the CCA on during C hour on the first Tuesday of every month.