AIC Men’s Rugby Going for Two More Titles

January 24, 2016
As the AIC men’s Rugby team takes home the ECRC with an untouched record, they narrow in focus and prepare to win it all during the Spring Sevens Collegiate Rugby Championship, as well as the D-1AA title.
With all of the players motivated after winning the ECRC title, it is time to take on the challenge of transitioning over into Sevens, where players like Jihad Khabir and Kurtis Werner are just itching to get on that field and shine.
Werner has played a key role in keeping morale for the team up, whether it be through motivation in the weight room or his very stern attitude on the field, and he is helping the team realize just how blessed everyone is to have this opportunity.
However, blessed as we are, we cannot let up now, and the change from Fifteens to Sevens needs to happen now. Rugby Sevens is a type of game with just seven players on the field, as opposed to the usual 15, and the matches are shorter.
With seven tournaments in April alone, everyone needs to be in the best shape that they can be in, and with the help of the amazing coaching staff as well as player motivation, AIC rugby has yet to meet their boundary.
Pushing harder and harder everyday can be tiring for these young athletes, but that’s part of the game, and striving for greatness happens regardless of being on or off the field.
This is shown very strongly through team Captain Skyler Adams, a senior who is integral to the team’s success.
“Every player who comes to AIC to play rugby is motivated to win because the atmosphere of the team,” Adams said.
“It’s generated by that we’re trying to win at everything, in our relationships, the gym, the classroom, in all facets and that there’s a tradition to hold up that winning is what we do. To make a team to be proud of,” he noted.
This is the attitude that keeps this team going. This is the attitude that makes players thrive at everything they do. Without trying to win at every aspect in your life, it is near impossible to be successful, so AIC men’s rugby promotes victory through players no matter where they are or what they do and it is a core belief that keeps the program strong.
Victory does not come easily, and everyone is working hard in order to make that dream come true. Making the transition will be easier for some than others, as some players are fairly new to sevens, or have little experience playing at a higher level.
However, this will not stop the team from making gameplay and practice both seamless and efficient. They are confident in their abilities, and Nicalus Franklyn believes that we will have no problem shifting over our game.
“The team will transition well, seeing that we have such versatile rugby players, and all around athletes that are used to this type of change, we will be just as good, if not better, as the Fifteens season,” said Franklyn, a freshman.
As amazing as these athletes are it will be interesting to see what they can accomplish as the season progresses, and with the support they have now, their boundaries are only expanding. The AIC Yellow Jackets are truly a team to be proud of, and everyone is working to earn that spot in order to get after these titles.
Nicholas Rivera is a fly-half on the AIC Men’s Rugby team.