Trump vs. Hillary bloodbath rolls on

September 22, 2016
Throughout the past several months Donald Trump has been at odds with Hillary Clinton, whether it’s dragging each other’s name through mud or calling each other out on their insecurities.
For example, Clinton labeled Trump as a racist because he wants to put up a wall to stop immigrants and migrants from coming over to work in the United States, and prevent them from taking Americans jobs and money.
But that didn’t stop Trump from expressing his feeling on Hilary Clinton either, by calling her a liar and bashing her for not keeping her promises she makes to her supporters and Americans.
All of this doesn’t change the fact that one of these two candidates are going to be elected, to be the President of the United States of America on Nov. 8.
When asked about who would win the Presidential election in November, Darren Hill, a Springfield resident, said that the odds are in Clinton’s favor.
“Hillary has a better chance to win because she not offending people, by saying disrespectful things like Donald Trump,” said Hill.
Na-Asia Jeffers, also a Springfield resident, agreed, saying that Clinton has a better chance of winning.
“She has a way of connecting with people, and making them feel like they can trust her,” Jeffers said.
This shows that for either Clinton or Trump, while running for President the first priority is be careful what you’re saying, because one word or phrase could mess up the whole campaign run.
This also shows that shows that Trump is starting to lose the support of some people, because of smart remarks and comments he has made, and the way he engages people.
But even though Clinton seems to be favored, we all know Trump isn’t going down without a fight.
He will do anything in his power to try and get under Clinton’s skin and cause her to slip up, like when he called her out for not being in good enough physical condition to run for President.
This of course happened when Clinton was caught on camera fainting, coming from an event honoring the victims that died during the 9/11 attack.
Trump saw what happen and took it to his campaign and voiced his opinion to his supporters about this situation. He asked, how is she going to take care of America if she can’t even take care of her own-self?
Hate him or love him, you can’t deny the fact that Trump is a dangerous man and he will do anything in his power to try and destroy your reputation, and get what he wants in the process.
Even though both Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton are at odds in a fearful battle, there’s one thing you can’t deny, and that’s they both want to make America great.
They might have different ideas, and different ways of doing things, but what they both want to do is see this country prosper again.
This whole Presidential race has been stressful to viewers and both Trump and Clinton supporters: they both say things that are harsh and unnecessary.
But at the end of the day, that’s what a person has to do to get what they want – or in this case, to become President of the United States.
On Nov. 8, the whole world will see who the new president of the United States will be.
But until then, let the name-calling, the bashing and the scandals take place until one of them is named the new President.