He’s back!

October 9, 2016
This is the moment the whole world has been waiting for, but more importantly the moment the New England Patriots have been waiting for.
After four long weeks of wondering who would be starting at the quarterback spot on Sunday, they finally got their guy.
It’s Tom Brady, one of the greatest quarterbacks to play in the NFL is no longer on probation.
For Pats fans, it’s been a little weird having NFL football without him on the field. Many people are dreading this moment because they know Tom Brady can ruin so many of their team’s Super Bowl dreams.
Still, this is the moment for all of the fans who were counting down the days until Tom Brady returned. He was suspended for four games because of deflate gate, which began in January of 2015, when Brady was accused of knowing the Patriots were using deflated balls. Now that it is all over Brady can finally focus on football and will be back in action Sunday October 9, 2016.
For Pats fans at AIC, Brady’s return is reason to rejoice.
Fabian Thames is a freshman at AIC and also a huge Patriots fan. He cannot wait to see one of his favorite players back on the field.
Patriots fans were worried going into the season without Brady in control, but things turned out pretty good and they assume it can only get better.
“It was fun while it lasted and the back-ups did their jobs, but it is time to get back to business,” said Thames, adding that he feels the Patriots have a good chance of winning another super bowl.
This is no surprise seeing as they are contenders every single year and it doesn’t look like that is going to change anytime soon.
Will things be any different with Brady back?
Thames said the return brings confidence back to the community since we know we have our hall of fame quarter back in action. Surely all Patriots fans will be feeling like this when they see Brady on the field once again.
There is another group of football fans who are not happy with the return of Brady.
AIC freshman Anthony Purge is a huge football fan, but dislikes the Patriots with a very strong passion. Many people see it as jealousy, but Purge just doesn’t seem to see what is so great about the Patriots bring up numerous scenarios where they were accused of cheating.
Patriots fans are used to this and believe that no one like them not even NFL commissioner Roger Goodel who sentenced Brady to his suspension.
Purge did not see that as unfair or wrong.
“Yes I believe he did and in fact he should have been suspended even longer because cheating in a playoff game that meant so much is unacceptable,” Purge said.

He further spoke his mind saying that the league acts like the Patriots are gods and if it continues many people will be unhappy. This is not the first time that people have heard this and it is sure to continue.
No matter if you are a fan of Brady and the Patriots or not Tom Brady is back. Brady has gone through so much in 2016 and it seems like he is ready to just play football.
We are sure to be in for a show for the rest of the season and the Patriots will be back in the playoffs.
Deflategate is indeed over with now and hopefully everyone will be able to move forward and just focus on football.
There are always going to be people who hate Brady and the Patriots, but that is not his problem. He is here to play football the sport he loves and is very good at it.
As long as he knows he still has Patriot fans by his side, fans remain positive that he can block out everyone else and focus on making them happy.