Are Galaxy Note7s and iPhones safe?

October 9, 2016
The recently released iPhone7 and Galaxy Note7 have some consumers worried.
Many Galaxy Note7s have been known to explode, and at least one iPhone7 has done so.
The issue with both of these devices iPhones 7 and Galaxy Notes 7 are their batteries, and the fact that they overheat. This is an issue because when the two electronic devices are charged up too much they attend to explode, causing harm to anybody that’s in the way.
All over the world this problem has been happening – just recently on October 5, an incident was reported in Louisville that a Galaxy Note 7 overheated on an air plane, Flight 994.
The plane had to be evacuated after someone saw smoke in the plane. No one was injured and the damages to the plane were minor.
Many fear that this device is unsafe and developers have yet found a way to fix these problems to make them safe. Meanwhile, a recall is underway.
iPhones are dealing with a different problem, which is in the manufacturing process, since only one of their iPhones exploded.
And that was because it was composed and manufactured in a wrong way. But that doesn’t change the fact that this device could have harmed a human being,
We ask you Apple, is one of the largest brands in the world electronic devices safe? How did one of America’s top brand that’s been on the top for years devices just catch on fire from being manufactured? Many are asking these questions, and rightfully so.
In Springfield, many are watching with interest.
Tanisha Williams said she will stay away from both products until they are known to be safe.
“I wouldn’t use either an iPhone 7 or Galaxy 7 because they’re too expensive, and they’re both catching on fire,” Williams said.
Alfreda Burnes agreed.
“I wouldn’t use anyone of them because I don’t own a cellphone,” Burnes noted.
This shows that this problem has an impact on people that have cellphones, especially these two brands, because they could be in the way of being injured by one of these two devices.
People want to buy the latest technologies, but they must be careful about any issues regarding safety.