‘Prison Break,’ a thrilling TV show rumored to be returning

January 25, 2017
On social media, everyone is on the alert about a series known as ‘Prison Break.’ The series has gotten a lot of virtuous feedback. The first series of the thriller aired on Fox between on August 29, 2005 and May 15, 2009.
It is now taking over the media because there is a rumor that is going around mentioning a fifth season. People who did not see it before are being told by others that this series is a hit which is giving them more views. Many viewers are waiting excitedly for a new series..
‘Prison Break’ tells the story of a man named Lincoln Burrows, played by Dominic Purcell, who is on death row for allegedly murdering the brother of the vice president. His younger brother, Michael Scofield, played by Wentworth Miller, is convinced of his brother’s innocence.
Scofield’s plan is to break out of prison before his brother’s death penalty arrives. There are many obstacles involved and people to get through that could delay their plan.
At AIC, the show, though no longer in production, is considered a favorite by many.
Freshman Carl Colas, who plays on the football team, said he is a big fan of the series.
“Prison Break is the best series I have ever seen on television,” said Colas in excitement.
He added, “I use to leave high school early just to go home and watch it because it is just that interesting.”
Jonathan Rivera, also a freshman, is a fan of the thrilling series as well.
“’Prison Break’ is one of the craziest thriller series I ever watched. I always watched it with my dad and little brother. I would get angry when I have to wait until the next week for the new episode,” said Rivera, who is a member of the college distance track and field team.
Rivera also said, “The only thing besides sports I watch is ‘Prison Break’ so, that’s how you know that thing got me hooked.”
The series is now one of the most watched on Netflix, with a five-star ranking.
The media did not have one bad thing to say besides having to hear at first that the last season would be season four. After the surprise with a new season, everyone is trying to catch up now. Easily, a lot of viewers would recommend ‘Prison Break.’