What Grinds My Gears : “Part Jewish”

What Grinds My Gears : “Part Jewish”

Jazmine Baehr, Op/Ed Columnist

As many of you may know, I am pretty much the resident Jew here on campus. For some unknown reason, it has become on of my identifiers on campus…but hey I’m not mad about it; I love being Jewish.

Now, I want it to be clearly stated here that I have no problem with people asking me questions about my faith if they are genuinely interested. I prefer people bombard me with their questions instead of walking around with false information.

Now that I have said that, I’m gonna get to the reason that you all read my column. One of the things that upsets me most in the world is when people tell me they are “part Jewish,” or “have some Jewish in them.”


My faith is not an ethnicity, it is a belief in God. I do not care even a single bit if your great great aunt Sally on your mother’s side was Jewish. If you do not follow/believe in the rules set forth in Jewish legal text such as the Torah or the Talmud, you are not Jewish.

Also, while we’re on the subject, someone can’t look Jewish just because you have some delusion in your head that all people of my faith look a certain way, because they don’t. We come in every color that this world has to offer, so stop trying to categorize our faith by our looks.

This is also pretty offensive when you tell someone they look Jewish because they’re going to assume you are saying they have a big nose, so keep that one in mind.

And that’s what grinds my gears…