Crunch time: The end is near
Everyone’s in the same boat, the computers in the library are filling up as we hit the final days of the semester.
December 4, 2017

Hitting the books is fine, just don’t overload!
Can you guess what time of year it is? It’s a time all students across the country look forward to every year.
In New England, the leaves have fallen and the temperature has dropped and you are probably more excited than ever. The end of the semester is approaching and the winter break will soon start.
This break is essential because students receive the much need break time to relax and reevaluate for the next semester. These last two to three weeks of school are important because this is when students are cracking down on tackling assignments.
They are spending long nights in the library and studying with their peers to prepare for finals. These last weeks are also known to be a student’s most stressful time of year.
As a student, your hope is to end the semester strong with great grades. Maintaining and receiving good grades is not an easy task.
For most students, the next semester is just another semester but for our seniors, that is a different story. Seniors tend to become overwhelmed due to the fact that graduation is around the corner and approaching quickly.
Take a deep breath, seniors!
Provided below are some tips to help balance out these critical weeks.
• First things first, refocus.
• Create a plan that consists of planning your finals schedule out and listing all the assignments you need to hand in before the semester ends. This is just to get you back on track and in order to get your life back together.
• Try to find a perfect area to study in. This time of year, the library is filled with a bunch of people so space is limited. Check around the campus for other quiet isolate areas.
• This is a big one: do not procrastinate! Procrastination will leave you with a pile of assignments and less time to get them done thoroughly.
• Try to dedicate at least one hour a day to reviewing notes, reading, and staying up to date on future assignments.
• Something major that needs to be kept in mind while going through this process is to relax. Being a student causes us to forget as that we are human and need to set aside some time alone to rest our brains.
• Another major key is getting enough sleep. The average adult needs at least eight hours of sleep. As college students we often tend to not sleep. Not sleeping is sleep deprivation and can have a negative effect on your health.
• Professors can seem intimidating but they are there to help you so utilize them as much as possible. Every professor has office hours – take advantage of them and if not, they will be open to a schedule meeting. Speaking with your professor can bring clarity to certain topics you are having trouble with or even asking what are the necessary steps you need to take to get the grade you want.
• Studying can become overwhelming as well.
• Remember to stay motivated.
• Make sure to have study breaks.
• Avoid distraction.
• Stay away from people or activities that will cause you to lose focus.
Graduating college with good grades is the end goal, so keeping that in the back of your mind will keep you grounded. Using the tips provided will guarantee ending your semester well.
These tips are sufficient ways to receiving the grades you need to get. Use them, really actually take the time to focus on yourself because it will benefit you in the long run.
Now remember, do not cram, do not pull all-nighters, and do not give up!