What Grinds My Gears: Life Choices

What Grinds My Gears: Life Choices

Jazmine Baehr, Op/Ed Columnist

Greetings everyone and welcome to the latest edition of “What Grinds My Gears,” a monthly column where I write about things that drive me nuts … Even though you didn’t ask!

Now that I am getting ready to graduate and the real world is right around the corner, I felt it necessary to take a good hard look at some of my habits, which are acceptable as a college student but won’t be as what I like to call an “actual grown-up.”

The two habits that I made the decision to change during my last semester were diet and exercise, because being unhealthy isn’t that much fun anymore as a super senior so it definitely won’t be fun as an adult in the real world.

Now for those of you who know me personally, you’ve probably realized that I have made some pretty drastic changes to my diet and exercise regimen; and if you haven’t noticed that’s cool too… Honestly, I actually prefer the people who haven’t noticed because the ones who have more often than not are the reason I am writing this column.

I started this semester off with a pretty severe detox to cleanse my system of toxins – during this time I wasn’t consuming any refined sugar, or carbohydrates. In addition, I cut dairy out completely.

Honestly, the detox wasn’t bad and I have continued a good amount of it past the three weeks. The worst part of this new change is people’s reactions when they see what I eat in a day. Comments like “why are you eating like a rabbit?” and “oh man you must really be craving (insert delicious food that I was absolutely craving here).”


Of course I’m craving everything I can’t have, and yes I am absolutely aware that most of what is on my plate is colorful vegetables that can double as rabbit food.

Those veggies are delicious, you should try some instead of having pizza from the Dining Commons twice a day everyday. Additionally, telling me that I am harming myself in anyway is going to put you on the receiving end of some very annoyed faces and more than likely an attitude.

My diet has been constructed by a licensed dietitian, so unless you also happened to be a licensed professional, I don’t want to hear it. I happen to very much enjoy what I am eating and don’t need you prying into my dietary habits, thank you very much.

Changes like this can be very difficult so if you happen to see someone you associate with in the process of making these changes, you should be supporting them… Reaffirming that they are making a great choice for their future, not poking fun at what they are eating or trying to counsel them on what works best for you, because news flash: ALL PEOPLE ARE DIFFERENT AND NOTHING WORKS THE SAME FOR EVERYONE!

… And that’s what grinds my gears!