It’s OUR month ladies!

April 16, 2018
The month of March is always an odd one. The weather is either warming up or it is still extremely cold. The indecisive weather can be due to March being the month dedicated to a complex group, this group being women. You heard correctly, the month of March is Women’s History Month. Many of you had no clue such thing exists but it does.
This month is dedicated to all women, of all shades, all nationalities, all over the world. Women’s History Month originates from a national celebration in 1981. Congress passed legislation which authorized and requested the President to proclaim the week beginning March 7, 1982, as “Women’s History Week.” As time progressed, Congress continued to pass legislation that designated that first week of March to be such. Just 6 long years after the week was declared, Congress made history. In 1987, they declared the month of March as Women’s History Month. This occurred after a petitioned by the National Women’s History Project applied pressure to Congress.
According to the, Congress would continue to pass additional legislation requesting and authoring presidents to stand by the Women’s History Month decision. From that moment on, each year since 1995, Presidents Clinton, Bush and Obama have issued a series of annual proclamations designating the month of March as “Women’s History Month.”
Women have played a major role in the forming our society. They are not given enough credit for such. The world repays women by underpaying us, abusing us, and just totally mistreating us. Women have been fighting for a seat at the table for years. There are women we can thank for fighting for the good fight. Examples of some of these women are Cleopatra, Eleanor Roosevelt, Abigail Adams, Harriet Tubman, Rosa Parks, and the list can go.
“This is a man’s world.” This is a famous quote stated by James Brown. Women have proven that statement to be false. Women posse a feminine power which has attributed the shaping of the world we live in. Women have transformed and advanced everyday task with their new creations, and inventions. They have certainly take a major step into the corporate world. Those jobs which men once only occupied, women are now qualified for. Let’s not forget that women had a remarkable impact on the Civil Rights Movement. They continued to fight for the freedom of women of all shades, especially those of color.
Members of the on-campus organization, Women’s Org, decided to share their thoughts on the month of March and its significant meaning! “Let these ladies inspire you to think outside of the box and to find a window when it seems like all the doors are closed. Happy Women’s History Month!” That was said by Samira Abdul-Karim, a Communication major at AIC.
Now, Denisha Walker, a Political Science major stated that “it makes me feel empowered with constant reminders of where women started and are going in the future! I’m so happy that women have their own time to represent the battles they were forced to endure. In case no one knows who Abigail Adams is here you go; Back when President Adams debated on freeing slaves his wife Abigail wrote him a letter that is still famous. In her letter, she asked him when thinking of the rights of slaves to also remember the ladies and where the men would be without us.”
Without this month, the men of the present would not understand the hardship, struggles, and perseverance it took for women to be equal. In the words of Abigail Adams, this is the month for everyone to “Remember the Ladies.”