Freshman adjustment
September 13, 2018
This fall, AIC welcomed a new group of freshman students, with an entirely new orientation system to liven things up.
Adjusting to college can be a challenging thing for any student but especially for freshmen. Freshmen have to learn a new life different from what they are used to, make new friends, and adjust to a new environment.
This year, AIC Student Engagement officials took a new approach to how to do orientation; instead of having different summer sessions, the new freshman class moved in earlier than everyone else, giving them a chance to get acquainted.
With the freshman being here a weekend earlier than returning students, more activities and things for the freshman to get involved in were added, making for a shower of fun things to see and do.
A few freshmen said that they enjoyed their orientation experience.

Allie Hough, a freshman from Long Island, New York, said the opening events and activities were a great way to start, even as she gets used to a new life.
“I’m adjusting to AIC
pretty well,” said Hough.
“I am still a little bit homesick because I am used to seeing and being with my family and friends all day every day,” she added. “I am having a little trouble with time management but besides that I am great.”
Hough said with a smile.
“I love AIC so much and I wouldn’t want to be at any other college. The thing I love most right now is the queen bees. I am so incredibly happy I joined because they are all amazing and welcoming.”
“Orientation was really fun actually,” Hough said. “I made a lot of new friends and I loved everything that was planned because it was super fun! I wasn’t expecting to like it as much as I did.”
Another freshman, Eliza Mullin, said she is settling in well, so far.
“Adjusting to everything as a new freshman has been easier than I thought it would be,” Mullin said. “I have made a lot of great friends, so I haven’t felt like I have been alone during the whole adjustment.
Being an athlete has helped as well.”
“Cross country has kept me pretty busy which has helped with getting myself in a routine every day and making me feel more relaxed. My teammates are awesome and all of that has really made me love being at AIC,” Mullin said.
She added, “Freshman orientation also made it easy to make friends and made me feel like I was becoming apart of the AIC family.”

Student Engagement had all new activities for this orientation. They had a fair in the Hines parking lot, which included rides and carnival games, movie night on the quad, and question and answer sessions with the administration.
Overall, the reviews and opinions of this new orientation were nothing but positive. Even the orientation leaders, who returned again to be an orientation leader, saw the major updates and improvements.
Freshmen are adjusting very well, and there are still more exciting things to come this year for new students and returning students to experience.