Making a difference with SGA
March 1, 2019
The Student Government Association is the behind-the-scenes powerhouse for every aspect of campus life at AIC. This dedicated group of students meets on Thursday evenings to discuss everything from approving budgets for Registered Student Organizations (RSOs) to voting on repairing the beloved piano by the CCA. Each member of SGA represents a constituency of students and addresses any needs that may arise within that constituency.
Every faction of students at AIC has a representative position in SGA.
The Executive Committee, comprised of the Student Body President and their cabinet, is tasked with overseeing SGA and the needs of the campus as a whole. In addition to the Student Body President, there are Freshman, Sophomore, Junior, and Senior class presidents and cabinets to cater to those students individually.
The Institutional Representatives form the remainder of SGA. There are representatives for the School of Business Arts and Sciences, the School of Health Sciences, residents, commuters, campus relations, graduate students, international students, athletes, and diversity.
Unfortunately, it is not common for every position in the Student Government Association to be filled throughout the year and many groups of students are left without specific representation. The more positions that are filled guarantees that more student’s voices will be heard on matters that affect them. In addition to being able to represent your peers, there are so many fulfilling aspects of being a member of SGA.

The Student Government Association offers a unique opportunity to become a part of how this school operates on a different level.
Alexander Cross, Associate Dean of Student Life at AIC and faculty advisor to SGA, shared his thoughts on what kind of an impact SGA has on the student experience.
“Being a part of the Student Government Association at AIC allows students to engage in leadership opportunities that have the ability of shaping the student experience through self-governance and advocacy,” Cross said. “By being a part of the Student Government, students represent their peers and work to improve campus life in order to better serve student’s needs. Whether it is by listening to students concerns, brainstorming solutions to issues on campus, or advocating for a policy change, SGA gives students the platform to make meaningful change at AIC.”
One student who embodies the student government experience is Sophomore Class President Elisheva Milov.
When asked about her feelings on her position, Milov said, “I love being Sophomore Class President. The best thing about my position is being able to meet so many new people and having the resources to help them. It is so exciting when I am able to positively impact someone’s life and see their success and growth.”
Milov also went into detail about the importance of what SGA does for the campus, stating, “SGA allows productive communication between students and higher positions of authority. Without this communication, students would not be able to influence the decisions that affect their everyday lives. By encouraging and founding clubs, SGA empowers change and improvement through events and programs.”
One of the more recognizable events that SGA holds each year is the Spring Semi-formal.
This year, SGA is sponsoring a semi-formal on the water on April 27thfor students from across the AIC community to attend. This event is one of the many ways the Student Government Association aims to bring students together and enjoy their time as a Yellow Jacket.
Samantha Schieppe, a sophomore here at AIC, was one of the many in attendance at the last semi-formal.
Schieppe said that her experience at that event was “one of the coolest things I’ve been to in my time at AIC so far. It was put together very nicely, and it was a lot of fun. I’m super excited to see what SGA has in store for the semi-formal on the water.”
The Student Government Association is here to try and make every AIC student’s experience the best that it can possibly be. Becoming a part of this organization provides the opportunity to make a real difference in student’s lives as well offering an outlet for those who are interested in government, program planning, volunteering, and so much more.