“It’s Better in Groups” — Spring Group Exercise Schedule



Are you looking to get lean, toned and fit–fast? Using light to moderate weights with lots of repetition, BODYPUMP gives you a total body workout. Instructors will coach you through the scientifically proven moves and techniques pumping out encouragement, motivation and great music – helping you achieve much more than on your own! You’ll leave the class feeling challenged and motivated, ready to come back for more.


This isn’t like any other dance workout. The moves might be easy to learn, but they’re actually hard work! You’ll get cardiovascular conditioning, core strengthening, and overall muscle toning—all at once! You’ll be steppin’, swervin’, and clapping—nonstop. So you can burn fat and love every minute of it.


This isn’t your ordinary cardio-conditioning class. This thrilling workout provides the support and group motivation to challenge you to work toward your highest potential and unleash your inner athlete, no matter where you’re starting from. Class is offered in a 45-minute format as well as a 30-minute Express version.


This 60-minute thrill combines heart-pumping dance moves with metabolic training exercises. Get ready to shake it off and sweat it off as you push yourself to your fullest potential.


This 30-minute class will take you through some unique exercises that help target your core muscles while training upper and lower body! Be ready for your heart rate to climb as you feel the burn with resistance bands, benches, and dumbbells.

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