The Lone Star at AIC

The Lone Star at AIC

Anthony Purge, Staff writer

AIC football has just signed a new quarterback from Texas. Nick Stolt, 18 of San Antonio, Texas has been playing the quarterback position for most of his life.

The Texan said he is adjusting quickly to being so far away from home.

“The transition has been pretty easy,” Stolt said.

“Texas is really country, and it’s a farm state. I’m from San Antonio, which is a rather large city. So moving here feels as if I’m compacted in a small area. Other than that between football, classes, and friend everything has been smooth,” he added.

The new quarterback said he feels there are some noticeable differences between people from Texas and those from Massachusetts.

“People’s actions are different,” he said.

“If I’m walking down the street at home a random person in Texas will say hi, and they will try to strike a conversation. Now in my new home Massachusetts when I meet people I don’t know I wave to them on campus, and they give me give me a weird look and keep walking.”

AIC's newest quarterback, Nick Stolt of Texas.
Anthony Purge
AIC’s newest quarterback, Nick Stolt of Texas.

As for football, he said that in Texas everyone knows the sport is practically a religion out there. They close local stores to make sure they catch the high school.

“In Texas a high school game feels similar to a college game. When you walk out the stands you notice the stands are packed. On the Jumbotron there is instant replay. The teams are all good competition. The fans in Texas are second to none. From the National Anthem to the Start the Bus chants there is truly nothing like Texas football,” he said.

Fittingly, his teammates have nicknamed the 6’1” Stolt ‘Texas’.

Roommate Isaiah Tolbert, 18, of Paterson, New Jersey, gave his perspective. Tolbert plays defensive tackle so he always tries to sack the quarterback.

Knowing someone is from a completely different side of the world can be something to get used to, Tolbert said.

“Having a roommate from Texas is cool and different at the same time. I can hear different stories from his state and we can compare our times in football. How football is down there seems different and I want to know what it’s like out there,” Tolbert said.

Stolt is a real southern boy. He brought his Cowboy boots all the way from home. He had to bring some things from Texas to Massachusetts.

With Nick being on the football team it has made friendships among teammates easier and everything just seems to click.

We might be from different sides of the country with me being from Jersey and him from Texas, but we are very similar in our priorities and take a similar approach to life. We both rely heavily on God, and we motivate each other to get our work done since we have classes together.

So while it’s been an adjustment for everyone on campus to make be out and live in a new place, the transition is definitely easier when you have good friends who do nothing but help you feel home.

Being on this team makes us all realize we are like band brothers.