Those tough mid-semester decisions

Those tough mid-semester decisions

Toni Lowden, Staff Writer

Juggling a social life, school, work, and mental stability can start to become stressful and feel more like chores as semesters continue.

AIC takes great pride in their efforts to offer their students a helping hand in all aspects of life from becoming more organized and stress free with academic counselors, becoming a driven and motivated student through tutors and the writing center, and planning events around campus for students to engage in fun activities with their peers.

October is a perfect month to put those resources to use.

Homecoming week and midterms happen to fall within a week of each other, making decisions tough for some.

Students may question whether to socialize or hit the books.

AIC plans events for the students each night of homecoming week. Karaoke in the stinger, powderpuff football, a pep rally, and the traditional homecoming football game held on Saturday, were just a few of the fun options.

With AIC’s endless resources, students can attend events while also taking advantage of tutors and study rooms in the library.

Graduate student Witche Exilhomme recalled all the assistance AIC gave him while he was working towards his bachelor’s degree and balancing the academic responsibilities with the social end of being a student.

“I’ve made many friends from attending events throughout the years on AIC campus, especially during homecoming week. I was also on the football team,” Exilhomme said.

“Sports events are huge for students to attend and socialize at for such a small school. Although I had fun, juggling sports on top of everything else required more effort than usual. I found myself tutors and study sessions to attend which helped keep my grades keen,” he added.

Exilhomme continued to stress the importance of seeking help whether with personal or school issues and struggles. “AIC offers these resources for a reason, they are meant to be used. Always take advantage of your surroundings,” he said.

AIC continues to strive to give the best to their students by continuously holding events around campus for students to interact with one another, putting the importance of students first by making counselors easily accessible, and finding ways to push students to set and achieve goals.

With the organization students will began to gain, students can begin to become less stressed and experience a more relaxed life.