Liam Pritchard-Holland at 125lbs
Joseph Aldrich at 133lbs
Aaron Morocho at 141lbs
Luke Mangiafico at 149lbs
Kyrie Williams at 157lbs
Alfred MacNiell at 165lbs
Jack MacKiernan at 174lbs
Markys Lissaint at 184lbs
Tommy Caracciolo at 197lbs
Hayden Guadette at HWT
Coach McLaughlin took over AIC’s Wrestling program at the very start of this season, and commented on how far the wrestlers have come. “We have made strides all season long and we’re confident that we are a different animal than we were in September.” During Coach McLaughlin’s first season, he wanted to emphasize the importance of being prepared for every situation one could be put in during a match. The coach expressed his hope that his wrestlers would be “constantly banging the drum for intensity and effort.” Coach McLaughlin expects his wrestlers to go out ready to compete: “We need to have a chip on our shoulder when we compete.”

To compete on a stage this big is a huge step in a wrestler’s career. All bets are off and everyone is 0-0. It is an opportunity to wrestle with the ultimate college wrestling opponents and to get their name out there, not only by qualifying, but also by winning. Caracciolo and MacKiernan plan to leave their footprint for the AIC wrestling program by making it to the NCAA championship.
Regionals may be a very important tournament, but it is also a time in these wrestlers’ lives they won’t get back. MacKiernan recounted what going to regionals meant to him. “Competing in regionals is fun because it is where you punch your ticket to nationals, which is ultimately the main goal. It is where we can go out and show all the hard work we have put in throughout the year.”
For Caracciolo, it means something different: “Competing in regionals means everything to me. I’ve given up a lot of time and sacrifices to be as great as I can this year. And being able to compete for this school for another year is a blessing.” No matter the results of the tournament, Darby and AIC wrestling would like everyone to know that when the dust settles, they’ll be back at work, making the improvements and adjustments like they have been doing all along.
“We aren’t going anywhere,” Coach McLaughlin said. “We’re coming.”