Fast food = tempting, but unhealthy

Fast food = tempting, but unhealthy

Chrystal Holland, Staff Writer

Why do people crave fast food? It may be quick and easy but is it really the best choice for you?

When choosing a fast food restaurant they are easy to find. Most fast food places are within a 5-mile radius of each other.

As of 2013 there are 263,944 fast food restaurants in America. Also 44% of America eat fast food at least once a week.

These statistics are no joke.

Most people already know that fast food is not a healthy choice, but what you don’t know is what exactly you are eating. When it comes to McDonald’s McNuggets, you hope the chicken is fresh, but in reality it is a mixture created when the bones and carcass of a leftover chicken that are mixed together in a food processor. That was just one example how fast food chains lie to the public so we eat their food.

Once people realize how bad fast food is, hopefully people eat less of it. It was way healthier to make a quick sandwich and eat it than wasting money on non-healthy things.

The calorie intake on an average fast food burger is 400-600 calories. Often, someone can consume all of the calories they need for the entire day in one sitting at a fast food restaurant. You can substitute those calories for something else like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and a piece of fruit.

AIC Students say they try to avoid fast food, but not always successfully.

“Mainly all the fast food is processed food, which contains many chemicals that make it unhealthy to eat,” said sophomore Stefanie Dufresne.

Most of the fast food places are unhealthy, consumers often order foods with more fat, calories, sugar, sodium, and less nutrition in it.

“Fast Food can really effect you in the long run, the bad consequences out way the good ones of choosing fast food,” said AIC sophomore Brianna Bishop.

She is right, eating fast food is not worth it. Take the extra time and bring a snack or to make a healthy substitution.

Not only is fast bad for you, it can be a waste money for something that people really don’t need. Fast food is one of the main reasons why America is obese. As a whole we make poor decisions when it comes to eating healthy. We like to take short cuts and fast food places are the easy out.

So if you’re going to eat fast food, make it an occasional treat rather than a habit.burger